You have to appreciate the wonderful, innocent lessons that children teach us daily. I have five faces and personalities that get to impact me every day.
This summer in Vacation Bible School the kiddos learned and discussed "God-sightings." The small, crazy, random things in life that make us pause and remember that there is a God who is bigger than all of us and who works in wonderfully magnificent ways. We have to be open to receiving the blessings of these sightings; they can so quickly pass by sometimes.
Every once in a while I'll experience such a spotting in a picture I've taken or in the middle of a shoot. Kind of an amazing, special moment in between all the other moments. I'll pause and smile and send up a quick prayer of gratitude that God allows me to do this job.
There are a hundred of "God-sightings" in life. For my kids, it may be a fluffy cotton cloud shaped like a dinosaur. Or for me sometimes it comes in other unique things, such as when I realize I'm speeding a smidge and then see someone stopped by a police officer - it makes me grateful for the reminder and doubly thankful that I am not the one who was stopped!
I remember getting so annoyed with my mom when I was younger. She'd constantly remind me to see the glass as half-full and not half-empty and to remember that every cloud has a silver lining. I realize that we probably have all heard these cliches, but the reality of it is that there is truth within them. Those minor attitude tweaks really can help us to see the positive. And not only the positive, but the beauty and joy in life all around us.
I thank the Lord for the little "God-sightings," even in the silliest things of life. Such as when I was taking a shower the other night and noted that all of my family's bath sponges lined up almost created a rainbow. How neat it was to be reminded of why we have rainbows in the world and to simply be grateful to have running water and the ability to take a warm shower after a long day.
Take the time to pause every now and then and savor the little moments between the big moments. The tiniest things in life may have some large lessons to offer. Have you had a "God-sighting" lately? I'd love to hear about it!
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