Wednesday, February 17, 2010

December... January - Is it 2010 already???

Sure these girls are beautiful - but they are also so sweet and kind. I know some of that is genetic - but I just call it good parenting and lots of love!!! Check out thier slideshow!

So you like my new pink paper?

I have been photographing this little sweetie since she was born. And she has always been a smiliey one! Check out her slideshow.

What a fun wedding. This couple was sent from God. A very special and unique couple, they met overseas - both military and then carried that relationship over to home. A difficult time and place to develop a relationship, but thiers is rock solid. And what a fun day! From the traditional miltary touches, to the goofy personalities of the wedding party members, it was never a dull moment! See thier slideshow for a bunch of favorites from thier day.

So I did mommy's senior pictures, and this little ones newborn pictures - and now she is three months old! When did THAT happen???? See how cute she is on her slideshow.

I was so thrilled to have Haunnakah pictures in addition to the Christmas ones I had done. See this little guys slideshow here.

I think this angels mommy is trying to catch up with me. This is baby number 4. LOL. And everyone of them beautiful and fun. See her slideshow - you will love it!

Here is one of my new props - black plexiglass - LOVE how it reflects!

Lots of pregnant people and lots of babies. I did this couples wedding eons ago and am so anxious for thier little one to arrive!

Babies babies and more babies!!!
SLIDESHOW of baby cadence.
Slideshow of baby Jackson.
This dog is soooo sweet! Having this little one in the studio motivated me to take a class on Dog portraits so I can get some new techniques. MuShu - what a precious dog!

So fun to see little ones grow. I am truly blessed to know this family. Talented and gifted parents, kind and real. I enjoyed doing big sisters pictures from birth to now and now her little sister is already one! So exciting! (and sad in a way - tear - they keep growing so fast!!!!!) Watch the slideshow and see both of these little angels. My favorites are the little one playing with mommy and daddy.

Dakota has been with me since birth too, and OH MY GOODNESS what a cutie! I loved being at his one year birtday party and really enjoyed seeing him plow through cake. Here are a couple pages for his as you grow album, and here is his most recent slideshow!

Oh LEVI!!! Levi is the first child of my long time and incredibly wonderful assistant Jamie. She is a gift from God, and normally I would be a little ticked that someone took her away from me (temporaily I realize) but goodness, now I am auntie Debra and that is SUPER!!!! He is so so so precious - he really almost (I said almost) makes me want to have another one. I was blessed to be able to be at the hospital to record a photo birth story - here is the slideshow for that. Then, I took a bunch of pictures the next day at the hospital, and more in the studio 3 days later - here is that slideshow. Below are a few pictures from the hospital and the studio. you might not be able to tell the difference. I really was albe to have fun with Levi - and got to try some great new shots.

Isnt he incredible!!!!!!! I just want to kiss him all over!

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