Friday, February 21, 2014


Have you ever noticed how the studio doesn't have a clock? Its very important to me to not time my sessions.  When another client shows up, I touch base and assess.  I allow an hour (longer for newborns) even though typically we need 20-40 minutes so I have that leeway - I want my clients to be relaxed and have fun!  I do move fast - I shoot allot of pictures in a short period of time so I can catch "THE" shot.  You know the one - the throw the head back and laugh shot, the pout, the look - its the REAL expressions - they are the BEST!!!

Soooo for those of you who were in during the busy season - mid October through December, the studio was TRASHED!!! I apologize.  But we DEEP cleaned and organized, and though I have a few rooms, the attic and the garage to go, it looks SO MUCH better!! Check it out.

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