{Hi there! My name is Kaela. I am a guest blogger & a contract artist for Abundant Moments Photography. Nice to meet you & happy blogging!}
P.S. Apologies for the template glitches. This will be fixed soon! Thanks for reading!
Bokeh. Spoonful of Bokeh & A Cup of Creativity.
Let's talk bokeh. What is bokeh? Where is bokeh? Why is bokeh?!
Photo Credits:
Abundant Moments Photography
- the visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens.
Bokeh is everywhere. (Especially if you forget to put on your glasses or squint your eyes just right.) Just add 'bokeh' in front of anything & it can happen. Bokeh trees, bokeh hair, bokeh lights, bokeh chicken.
Photo Credits:
Abundant Moments Photography
The cliche 'light' bokeh.
This was taken of a chandelier
@ a wedding we shot.
Photo Credits:
Abundant Moments Photography
The 'not-so-cliche' eye bokeh.
Taken with a macro lens of my eye.
Bokeh really can by everywhere.
So I am sure you get it by now. But anything can be turned into bokeh. ANYTHING. Photography is an art.
To bokeh or not to bokeh? When should we use bokeh? When should we not use bokeh? There are plenty of styles when it comes to photography. Bokeh is one of them!
Photo Credits:
Abundant Moments Photography
This is a great example to NOT use the bokeh effect. That way you are able to take in ALL of the beautiful beach & the subject in one picture!
Photo Credits:
Abundant Moments Photography
This is a great example of when to use bokeh! Sure, this picture would be great without the blurred background. But it just adds a touch of magic! Doesn't it?
So in conclusion, bokeh is a great tool to use when taking photos. It is fun capturing those special moments & making them even more beautiful than it looked in real life. And with the talent & experience, you can create your own art through photography! Or you could just pay Abundant Moments Photography to do it *wink wink*. But really- the next time you get your pictures done, ask for some bokeh! Try something new!
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